Case No. 1:

Client Profile:

35 year old male

Case Category:

Criminal Injuries Compensation



Criminal Personal Injury Compensation Claims in Perth: Our client a young male around 35 years of age was out partying with some friends when a scuffle broke out outside the bar. Our client suffered stab wounds in the scuffle. Complaints were made to the police against our client alleging he was the person who started the scuffle and provoked the attack. Our client also made a counter complaint to the WA Police alleging that he was attacked and did not provoke the attack. Notwithstanding complaints against our client Leon Martin successfully obtained criminal injuries compensation for our client which was reduced by 25% for our client’s conduct.

Case No. 2:

Client Profile:

Minor Girl

Case Category:

Criminal Injuries Compensation



Our client, a minor girl, suffered psychological injury as a result of an indecent dealing offence committed against her. The perpetrator of the offence was convicted. Leon Martin Barristers and Solicitors brought a criminal injuries compensation application for our client. Leon Martin Barristers and Solicitors was successful in obtaining an award of around $80,000.

Case No. 3:

Client Profile:

Mother / Partner

Case Category:

Criminal Injuries Compensation



Our client, a mother of 3 minor children was assaulted by her partner. Leon Martin Barristers and Solicitors brought a criminal injuries compensation application for our client. Leon Martin Barristers and Solicitors was successful in obtaining an award of around $150,000.